E Recruiting System from akoni

Work faster -> faster to success

The powerful E Recruiting System from akoni is the ideal recruiting software solution for all freelance personnel agencies and HR recruiters. The recruiting system helps you to efficiently and successfully place specialist personnel. For this you need a modern recruiting tool that is on the technical level of the time. With tools that you don't have to learn for a long time, you will quickly get on the market.

The akoni Recruiting System accelerates your recruiting success and helps you to keep track of everything at any time.


E-Recruiting System from Akoni

E Recruiting System

Akoni's e-recruiting system is the ideal recruiting software solution for all freelance recruitment agencies and HR recruiters. Our powerful e-recruiting system helps you to place specialist staff efficiently and successfully. With our modern, state-of-the-art recruiting tool, you save time and get to market quickly. Our system offers comprehensive employee management and is completely freely configurable. Benefit from the flexibility and numerous functions of our akoni Online Recruiting System, which is available to you around the clock and everywhere. Try it out now free of charge and without obligation for 30 days and then decide! The E recruiting system from Akoni puts you well ahead. What are you waiting for? Try it now!

e recruiting system at work

Faithful companion

akoni's e-recruiting system accompanies you throughout your entire recruiting process.

Now available at an unbeatable price.


The CRM software is a recruiting tool for freelance recruiters. akoni's powerful e-recruiting system is the ideal recruiting software solution for all freelance recruitment agencies and HR recruiters. The e-recruiting system helps you to place specialist staff efficiently and successfully. For this you need a modern recruiting tool that corresponds to the technical level of the time. With tools that you don't have to spend a lot of time and effort learning. This will get you on the market quickly.
The akoni Recruiting System accelerates your recruiting success and helps you to have an overview of everything at all times.


Get Started

Save for launch

Start today! The akoni E Recruiting System for 30 days free of charge. All data entered is secure, remains with you and will be completely deleted after 30 days if you do not wish to subscribe to the Recruiting System.

New customers pay only 10 months for an annual subscription!


E Recruiting System from Akoni

Akoni Recruiting System

The Akoni Recruiting System is the right choice for successful recruitment agencies and HR recruiters. With our powerful CRM software, you can place specialist staff efficiently and securely. Our modern e-recruiting system offers you user-friendly, state-of-the-art tools so that you can enter the market quickly and without long training periods. Test our recruiting tool now for 30 days with no obligation and experience the benefits of a professional and secure solution for your recruiting business.

For your questions, suggestions and comments we are happy. Write to us or call us.

Akoni Rrecruiting Systems UG

(limited liability)

Friedlieb-Ferdinand-Runge-Str. 50

51373 Leverkusen


Telephone: +49(0)214 73488241

Mobile: 01575 2611 601