The CRM program from Akoni

Everything you need.

The akoni Recruiting System is an efficient CRM program for personnel service providers. You do not need a long training period for it. In our recruiting tool everything is intuitive. Therefore you can start working immediately. So you don't need any IT education or training. The akoni recruiting system stands out as the most flexible among all available recruiting tools.

Intuitive crm program
crm program for file import

Data import

Whether you have your customer data as Excel sheet, plain text file or database dump incl. schema. No problem. We import all your valuable customer data and contacts incl. your documents into the database system of the crm program of akoni.

Recruiting tool is fully configurable


The CRM program from akoni, can be fully customized and adjusted. Whatever field you are recruiting for, Akoni accommodates them all! Whether doctors, architects, lawyers or IT specialists.

The crm program offers a quick overview


The akoni Recruiting Tool is not only efficient in handling but also very fast. All processes are processed in seconds. While you are talking to your client, you can send the candidate's resume prepared in a profile to the client with one hand.

Dates in the CRM program of Akoni

Appointment management

Modern appointment management and tracking for all your employees at a glance! The CRM program from akoni makes it possible

Recruiting tool at its best

Employee management

Manage your employees and give them responsible rights for documentation or administration. If employees leave or you hire new recruiters, you can easily pass on existing tasks and deadlines to others.

Freely configurable crm program

Updates and personalization

akoni is always up to date, because it is constantly revised and extended in the background. Do you need individual adjustments? Contact us, we are open for any extension of the system.

Recruiting Tools

crm program in the project list

Project management

The CRM program gives you a complete overview of your projects. From important data and the assigned candidates to upcoming tasks. But also the latest activities and the entire communication - all information is available at a glance. Optimize your project management with akoni.

Manage and find candidates

With akoni you keep the full overview of your candidates. At a glance you have all your candidates together on one screen. You can freely filter and sort the candidates for you sustainably and compile the complete table design for you individually. Just as you need it every day. Whether you have 10 or 800 candidates, you will always find your candidate in seconds. Try it out. You will be amazed how fast you can work with it.

Easy recruiting tool and complete overview of all your candidates even if there are many candidates!

All customers under control

Eine der wichtigsten Zentralstellen des Recruiting Tool sind Ihre Kunden. Sie sind Ihre Auftraggeber und Sie bringen für Sie die Provision für Ihre Arbeit. Darum legen wir großen Wert, den Kundenkontakt, die Verträge und Vereinbarungen zusammen übersichtlich für Sie bereitzuhalten. Damit können Sie verfolgen wie Sie auch noch nach Jahren mit Ihrem Kundenkontakt verblieben sind. Probieren Sie es aus! Wir stellen Ihnen 14 Tage das akoni Recruiting Tool unverbindlich und kostenfrei zum Testen bereit.

crm program has your customers fully in mind
Create templates in the recruiting tool

Create templates

Create your own templates for emails, form letters and newsletters in no time. For the creation offers akoni offers placeholders for names, addresses and other contact data. You arrange the templates according to your ideas. So you always have them quickly at hand for your correspondence.

Mail merge letter to candidates in crm program from Akoni

Newsletter for candidates

With the email templates you create yourself, you create newsletters for your candidates. In a dispatch history, you always have an overview of when, what and how much you have sent to whom via email.

Form letter to candidates in recruiting tool

Email to customers

With or without template. Conveniently write to one or more of your business or pot. Customers well designed emails with your photos, layouts and templates.

Dates at a glance in the CRM program


The calendar is the central place for all your appointments. At the same time, you can see the appointments of your employees and colleagues. You can easily move appointments or delegate them to someone else.